•95% of our Daily Decisions are Subconscious: We are on Autopilot! •To lead our Mind where we want to, we need to learn its Programming Language. •Decide now what is the ONE thing that you decide to take the full…
Which world does your Mind belong to?
What we can become depends on what we are today, or not? In the early 1900s some enlightened scientists discovered that the smallest possible particles of the Matter were not the Atoms, but even smaller ones (Quanta) which follow completely…
Activate the Q-Mind to suceed in Digital Transformation!
I really enjoyed the lecture in the ‘Digital Strategy for Food’ conference in Athens where I shared my ‘10 practical ways to activate the corporate ‘Q-Mind’ to succeed in Digital Transformation! 84% of the worldwide D.T initiatives fail due to…
What is the Best of You?
Υοur creative mind is activated when you draw a clear picture of your intended destination. Do this exercise now to begin your activation: Exercise: Imagine the best version of yourself, the one who would have overcome all barriers and would…
Ιnsanity or Responsibility?
Einstein defined Insanity as “Doing the same things but expecting a different result”. Was he talking about insanity or about the taking our own responsibility for doing things that can really make a difference? After almost 60 years Neuroscience proved…
Who drives your Mind?
How much of your daily decisions are conscious? Neuroscience has proven they are less than 5%! The rest of our mind (subconscious) functions in Autopilot. It is like we are being given a powerful sports car to drive without a…
The Equation of Personal Growth
The only time in which we can grow is when we get out of our Comfort Zone! This this the only ‘mode’ in which one’s brain can develop a new skill, attitude or behavior, which gradually broadens one’s Comfort Zone.…
Κey Learnings: November 2018
– The brain regularly uses only 3% of our DNA – Change may only come from inside – Our mind starts to change when we ask the right question – We develop new skills only out of our comfort zone…
Τhe Growth Equation
A 1st STEP FOR THE PREPARATION OF THE Q-MIND: The equation you see in the picture in simple words means that: The only time in which we can grow is when we get out of our Comfort Zone! This this…
Νο more answers!
‘Any change humans can make come only from inside’. (Neuroscience) Indeed, there are practical ways to use this principle and change whatever you want to change in your life ! One of these is to ask your mind THE RIGHT…