1. Your Q-Mind can either help you achieve whatever you want, remain neutral when you try, or even undermine your efforts if you do not activate it in a way that it operates as your ‘friend’. 2. You may decide…
Reframe to Refrain
So you have identified your Limiting Beliefs, so now what? There are two more things that can help you refrain from keep following an unwanted momentum and prepare the activation of your Q-Mind: Exercise: For each one of the two…
What blocks you from seeing Potential?
What really prevents you from seeing a bigger Potential than what you see? In the exercise of the previous post, 75% of people questioned (without seeing other people’s answers) ‘see’ a 3-digit number, 20% a 4-digit number, and only 5%…
What Potential do you see?
Try this exercise to get an insight that will help you prepare for activating your Q-Mind: In the picture you see below, what is the maximum potential you see? Your task, within 2 minutes, is to (mentally) form the largest…
The 3 Secrets of Happiness
Dr Martin Seligman (photo), a clinical psychiatrist known as “The Doctor of Happiness”, with his breakthrough studies in the late 1990s helped us understand the source and the mechanism of human happiness. After a huge amount of research, using correlation…
Elephant Riders
Thousands of years ago, long before Neuroscience enlighten us, some eastern wise men and gurus said: ‘Our Mind is like a man riding an elephant’ Meaning that, to go where we want to, we need to control something that is…
What’s in your Hands?
One of the things that blocks our mind from focusing on the changes we need to make, is the feeling of helplessness accompanied by the thought that it’s not in our hands to affect the important things in our life’.…
Friend or Burden?
Do you need a valuable friend or an unbearable burden? In your effort to change so that you make your life better, the ‘Quantic’ part of your mind can be an extremely helpful friend, a neutral observer or even a…