The Q-Mind Book, already best-seller in digital & audiobook formats in Greece, now available in Public bookstores! Check it out here:
‘The Streetlight Effect’: 5 Practical Tips for Leaders
‘A policeman once saw a man who seemed to be searching for something on the ground under a streetlamp in the middle of the dark. So, he asked : -‘What are you looking for?’ -‘My wallet’, said the man. ‘But…
The 3 Flaws of Goal Setting
It has been proven that people who set goals succeed more in life (check it out here: But there are many times where goal setting does not make any difference at all. In their book ‘The New Psycho-Cybernetics’, Dr…
Α full system to make YOU the Coach of yourself, so that you achieve your goals, with 20′ of practice per day. Now in e-book, audio-book format, available in the biggest international e-shops (only in the Greek language) Find it…
A Different Poll about Leadership
What we may believe about the skills which a good leader should own, in one thing. But what we really feel -in our guts- that we NEED from our leader in order to help us reach our full potential*, is…
The FREE e-book about the ‘Q-Mind’ is now available for you in most international book stores! It is an easy introduction to the ‘Q-Mind System’ for self-development & self-coaching. Check how to find both books here: ΥΣ. Soon…
The Leadership Radar: adjust your ‘Leadership Identity’ within one week!
Any organizational leader functions within the limits of three different leadership modes: Task Leadership: making things happen. Thought Leadership: creating clear paths for the organization. People Leadership: help the team become their best self, to achieve organizational goals. Most…
20 Easy Strategies to reduce Stress.
Stress is a known source of many negative consequences in your life, on the somatic, psychological, mental level. Everyone knows that ‘you ;ve got to reduce stress’ but when it comes to commit specific action plans we fail to do…
Five ‘soft issues’ that leaders may think there is no systematic process to fix.
Leaders are usually aware that there are systematic processes to improve issues like costs, marketing or sales activities, customer service or digital capabilities. But when it comes to the ‘soft issues’ ’, there are common misperceptions amongst most leaders :…
What Management Consultants will NEVER tell you!
(Top challenges for family business #2) Management consultants will never tell you the biggest truth: that YOU are your own biggest problem ! In order to change what you do in your business, you first need to change who you…