Find Your Ideal Brand Positioning

What it is:A very Intense, experiential 8-Hours Day Workshop for a Team of key Brand players (CEOs, brand managers, ad agency execs etc.) which results to a concrete, inspiring and differentiating Brand Positioning Statement through a unique, out-of-the box process.

Attention!This is an experience way above & beyond your standard processes of data analysis, discussions and argumentation. This is a heavily creative, inspiring process which coordinates ‘the mind, the gut and the heart’!
TypeTeam Coaching
BenefitsIdentifies core Brand DNA elements, creates a concrete, inspiring and differentiating Brand Positioning Statement & Values, ensures links with key brand directions & strategies.
Duration1 Day
Team Sessions1 (8 hours)
DeliverablesA 3-4 page Report
PreparationPre-Sharing all Key Brand Findings through consumer research. The workshop is NOT about data sharing & analysis, it is about creativity & synthesis.
Coachwork:11 Hours